Term Time Coaching
With a huge number of groups to choose from, we can find the right session for you and help you continue to learn and develop.
​Our groups are organised based on age and ability so that every pupil has the best opportunity to learn.
Our team of experienced and fully qualified coaches are there to help you every step of the way, committed to helping every player improve and reach their full potential in a safe and comfortable environment.
Excel Tennis Group Coaching Benefits
There are many perks to joining our awesome term-time adult programme. These include:
First sessions for FREE - To help get you started we offer everyone the chance to have their first group session for FREE. This allows you to make sure you are happy before committing to the rest of the term.
Low Coach - Pupil Ratios - We believe in quality coaching therefore our weekly group coaching sessions are kept to a maximum of 8 pupils - 1 coach. We often have experienced assistants working in the groups as well to aid player development.
All players in sessions are similar age and ability - To help pupils enjoy the coaching sessions and to become successful at tennis we organise all pupils based on age and ability.
Structured lessons - Each lesson is planned based on the individual needs of pupils within their coaching group helping all players to quickly improve.
Flexibility - To help players and parents get the most out of the tennis programme, If you miss a lesson for any reason, we offer the chance make up that session by joining alternative groups within that term.
Ability to join anytime - You are able to join at any stage of the year, even if a term has already begun
Payment Options - With our term time coaching you can choose to pay in a variety of ways including Standing Orders and spread the coast of coaching. Discounts are also available with Standing Orders so the more you play the more you save.
Discounts - If you are a pupil in our term time coaching sessions you are offered discounts on holiday courses and individual lessons. including up to 20% off a weeks holiday course.
Free LTA Membership - Pupils in the term time programme can apply for FREE Lawn Tennis Association membership. This membership has many benefits including the chance to win tickets to Wimbledon.